New Letra G

In October 2013, in Vila Verde, the first batch of Letra beer was produced! After 6 years, Letra has more than 100 labels launched in 4 different ranges, more than 600 batches produced, many national and international partnerships and a long-awaited novelty: the Letter G, which is available online on the brand's website.

Francisco Pereira e Filipe Macieira, cofundadores da cerveja Letra, explicam que a imagem da marca começou numa vertente pedagógica, pois cada Letra corresponde a um estilo de cerveja diferente. A última cerveja Letra a ser lançada foi a Letra F, há sete anos, que despoletou a grande expansão e reconhecimento da marca a nível nacional e internacional. A partir dessa data, foram criando e produzindo novas cervejas das restantes gamas. Francisco Pereira conta que “a promessa inicial foi explorar todas as Letras do abecedário, mas sempre com o objetivo de cada Letra seja otimizada com os melhores ingredientes e o mais elevado padrão de qualidade pois são esses os valores da marca. Daí a demora para aprimorar esta nova receita”. Filipe Macieira acrescenta que “para chegar à Letra G several experiments were carried out. This Letra is a beer that has raised several challenges in terms of production since it is the most concentrated beer we have ever produced with 600Kg of malt to produce 1000L of beer wort. Letra G is an Imperial Stout style with 10,5% alc. full-bodied and creamy with notes of dark chocolate, coffee and caramel.The brand's goal is to show creativity in new beers that provide sensory challenges to our customers. We consider this Letra so special that we decided to seal it with wax”.

Due to the current pandemic situation due to COVID-19, the Minho brand launches this beer for exclusive sale through the website at At the same time, the brand is promoting daily tests with its followers in the event created on the brand's facebook: “Letra beer tastings – Online” The goal is for a brand employee to do a commented tasting of a beer every day. In addition to entertaining employees and fans during this hard time for everyone, it's also a way of promoting the brand by creating relaxed videos of all the beers that the brand currently has available on the market.


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Cerveja Artesanal Minhota